Smootily Guide

How do i create my app?

For creating your app, the first thing you must do is get in touch with an agent, this person will help you and take you through the whole process.

You can use Smootily in two ways:

  • Sell your own products
  • Incorporar comercios de terceros

Once you have your Smootily account. The agent will guide you with the configuration of your app.

The next step, is adding your product/stores, depending of the type of app you will create.

After you added the initial products/stores (You can update them or add more later), the agent will guide you through setting up payment methods. This is done in the "Payment Settings" section, for more information you can go to How can i process payments in my app?

Also, you can add drivers, categories, and a lot more configurations to your app. For more information you can take a look at the Help center.

Once you finished setting up your app, you may send it to publishing. How does the publishing process work?

Once your app is published, you will be ready to start getting orders!

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